Just wondering...somewhere down the road I might try these out but would love to know what others think before I fork over the cash! I've really been conscious lately of the beauty products I own. I don't buy a lot of products, but I am slowly running out of all the makeup I had throughout college. I've probably held on to too much of my old makeup as it is. Most have only a little bit left and I'd say some of my stuff is over three-five years old. That is kind if gross now that I think of it.
I think taking care of your skin is SO important (especially because I have such fair skin), but I feel at the same time a responsibility to use the money God has given me wisely. I've decided though that I value quality over quantity and would rather spend a little more if it is better quality and then just conserve whatever it is. So, anyway, I would like to slowly use more and more organic and plant-based products [I have my eye on some tasty Aveda shampoo and conditioner but that will have to wait :)]. Any suggestions/thoughts are greatly appreciated :)
I am off to finish my first design for a knitted washcloth!